the blog。
/a hub for artists
what I’m doing and experiencing in music and art.

What Makes a Good Song? 8 Elements for Making a Banger
The ingredients of a solid song.

14 Music Production Tips for Songwriters (stuff that helps)
These things make me a better producer.

Music Production Starter Kit (7 essentials to make any song)
Here's everything you need to start making music.

How to Make Music Without Instruments (8 moves)
You don’t even need an instrument.

10 Music Production Exercises That Don’t Suck
It’s like going to the gym (for music producers).

Songwriter vs. Producer (who they are + what they do)
Who am I? On musician taxonomy…

Is Making Music Hard? Sometimes (so here are 8 tips)
Sometimes it sucks. Usually it’s fun. But is it difficult?